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Alexander Verner

Art Explosion Studios
2425 17th St, SF, CA
Studio number: 179

Artist Statement:

Alexander Verner was originally adopted by a single father from Poland, born in Amsterdam, and raised on a beach town in Cascais, Portugal. At age twelve, his father was imprisoned and he was sent to live in Texas with his fathers extended family. After highschool and university in Texas, he fell in love with San Francisco on first arrival and has remained for seven years since. For him, photographs and painting serve as a form of self discovery - the lack of a traditional family structure, not possessing ties with blood-relatives, and undergoing a constantly shifting blend of identities, have all contributed to his feeling of floating in the world. A self-exploratory journey of his true inner self, photography and painting have been a channel for him to transmit this inner self through to the external world, for him to discover himself, and for him to feel understood.

untitled, 6 ft x 3 ft