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Alessia Pope

Art Explosion Studios
744 Alabama St, SF ,CA
Studio number: 278
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Artist Statement:

Alessia Pope has been exploring the concepts of memory, nostalgia and dreams in her artistic practice for more than a decade. Based in SF, Alessia specializes in oil painting and drawing. Her admiration for craft and process is demonstrated by her dedication to painting with oil on canvas. Drawing from her formal background in art and design plus a passion for the subjects of yoga, nature and history; Alessia blends her experiences to express personal feelings and memories. Recently inspired by her Portuguese ancestry, Alessia’s work explores the cultural and personal significance of places like Madeira and Lisbon. Through research and travel, her work speaks about gentrification and the importance of natural and cultural conservation. Inspired by the artists before her, symbolism is a key aspect of her work. Alessia taps into the classic elements of art which facilitates exploration and understanding of her family’s roots.

Fish Out of Water I